
Showing posts from April, 2018
Think about what you have learned about standards as it relates to your Service Learning Placement.  What evidence of the standards being addressed do you observe in your placement?   Are there particular subject matter standards that seem to be given more emphasis than others? What are the subjects that you are not seeing addressed?  Why do you think that is? How does your cooperating teacher feel about the standards and about standardized testing?  The subject that i see the most emphasis on would be math and language arts. Math is always subject that students struggle with including myself. I see them practicing time on the clock a lot and also what different coins mean and the value of each one. There are a lot of Hispanics in the class that i am in and some struggle with English. Mrs Kitto focuses a lot on reading because reading is involved  in everything and wants her students to be the best they can be in it.    I haven't seen any science involved because I feel like its